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By balancing and harmonizing your brainwaves through neurofeedback, you can level the playing field and perform at your best throughout your lifespan. 


Advantages include:

  • Better sleep

  • Reduced stress

  • Emotional resilience

  • Improved relationships

  • Increased focus and attention

  • Improved memory

  • Better balance and sports performance

  • Increased creativity


How does neurofeedback work? 


We begin with an individualized assessment of brainwave patterns over 19 different brain locations and then determine ratios of activity that may be “out of balance”.  We then develop individually tailored protocol to address people’s personal life-goals while balancing and harmonizing their brainwaves.  Balanced brainwaves tend to correlate with high or optimal physical, emotional, and intellectual functioning. 


This is done by providing people’s brains a virtual “mirror”.  This mirror is their own brainwaves translated into sounds and graphical displays.   Sometimes the feedback consists of movies or video “games” that only “play well” when our brainwaves are in the “zone” identified as optimal for you.  Our brains respond to this new information, by shifting into more “harmonious” patterns and developing new neural networks to support the new patterns.


What is it like?


It’s easy.  For the neurofeedback therapy sessions, you sit in a comfortable chair while wearing headphones and either simply close your eyes and listen to sounds, or listen while watching a video display.  The sounds and images respond to your brainwaves and “train” your brain to shift out of old, less effective patterns.  You will want to drink plenty of water before and after a session and get a good night’s rest.  Even though you don’t have to consciously work at it, your brain is constantly challenged during a session and you are growing new brain connections as you learn.


How many sessions will I need?


The recommended “package” is 20 sessions with a pre and post-session QEEG brain map.  Progress can be made with weekly sessions, but the best results come with more frequent brain training.  Similar to sports training, the brain has to build new connections and requires practice and activity to stimulate positive changes.  The follow-up assessment demonstrates progress and helps to determine whether additional sessions are warranted.  Most people will meet their goals after 1-2 packages of 20 sessions.  Gains are maintained over time as long as your health and lifestyle support the progress you’ve made.

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