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Peak Performance

Healthy Living



Meditation and quieting the mind can be difficult for some people.  Especially as the pace of daily life accelerates and our "to do" lists are longer than our "done" lists.  Our minds are racing much of the time, and we have difficulty slowing down and just letting out minds be quiet.  We are designed to take "micro breaks" and also to be able to just "be" at times.  This allows our body and mind to rest and re-charge.  It also allows us to be more creative, to hear our inner guidance, and feel more at peace during the busy times.  

Neurofeedback, heart rate variability training (biofeedback), or some of our "brain brightening" programs and tools may be just what you need.   Come in for a trial session to see what it feels like to slow down and start feeling good again.


Avoid Alzheimer's and Cognitive Decline

Are you concerned about your ability to remember names, faces, directions, etc?  Do you have a family history of Alzheimer's disease?  It's important to pay attention to the early warning signs and to take what preventative and therapeutic steps we can to improve our quality of life while we can.


Cognitive testing can help identify whether you are having issues that are more than "normal" aging and can show where you stand in relation to your peers. 


We are learning more and more about lifestyle factors that impact memory and cognitive performance, as well as brain patterns that indicate cognitive problems.  The good news is that lifestyle changes can be implemented and cognitive slowing is sometimes improved by brain wave training and neurofeedback.  Also, new technologies like photobiomodulation, or the use of particular frequencies of light can have significant positive effects on memory and brain health.

Brain Brightening

We have tools that help nudge your brain back into a "frequency" or mental state that better matches what you want to accomplish.  Some of the tools are bio and/or neurofeedback.  Some use infra-red light, some use the principles of "frequency following response" and others use mild electromagnetic fields that are similar to frequencies put out by the earth to help our system's balance and help us feel more at ease.   Here, we call these "brain brightening" tools.

  We have in-office as well as home training solutions available.


 A qEEG can help identify areas that are difficult for you and can explain some performance issues you may be encountering.   Come into the office and find out how your brain is affecting your performance.  We also do CNS Vital Signs testing to demonstrate how your unique patterns and current abilities may show up as strengths and weaknesses in your daily life.


Neurofeedback brain training can help you strengthen areas of weakness and bring back welcome confidence in your day to day performance at work, school, or in sports activities.  We have in-office as well as home training solutions available.

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